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JobScheduler for Oracle Frequently Asked Questions

        Running Jobs

My job stream (and the jobs within) are being terminated unexpectedly, even though no one has killed them.
Check the job stream definition in the Define Job Stream form and make sure the End flag is not set to Yes on one or more jobs. Once the Job with the End flag set completed, JobScheduler terminates the remaining running jobs in the job stream. You should use the End flag for testing job streams or for handling error conditions. Leaving the End flag set in Job Streams may cause unexpected conditions like this one.

I have made changes to a Job Stream, but JobScheduler continues to run with the old version.
If you are running a Job Stream on a schedule (Submit Every or Calendar) JobScheduler uses the previous Job submission to create the new job on resubmission.  When you make changes to a Job Stream you must terminate jobs running your Job Stream and re-submit it in order to allow JobScheduler to read the new Job Stream definition.

My job is Waiting, but it is not On Hold, and has no Earliest Start Time set
Cause: If your job has no obvious reason for waiting (for example, it has no start time restrictions and On Hold is No), it is probably waiting because of higher level constraints such as:
  • Your username has a limit on the number of Running jobs (Maximum Number of jobs in the Register Users form) and you already have this number of jobs running
  • The Waiting job is only eligible to run on certain queues, and those queues are either inactive, or already have the maximum number of jobs running on them
  • The Waiting job is constrained by other jobs (for example, waiting for another job to complete or error), or by a filename constraint
Action: Move to the Status field, and press [Help] (or use Help, Help from the menu). JobScheduler updates the Message to indicate why your job is waiting. You may need to requery the jobs to see the change to the message. If your job is waiting because of user or queue constraints on number of jobs, you can request that your JobScheduler Administrator increase the number of jobs you can run.

When I press [Help] in the Status field, the Message doesn't change
Cause: When you press [Help], JobScheduler updates the Message the next time it evaluates job constraints. This is normally no more than SleepTime seconds (by default 5 seconds).
Action: When you press [Help], JobScheduler responds with the message Updating job status. Wait 10 seconds and then press [Ok]. To give JobScheduler sufficient time to compute and update the Message, wait 5-10s before pressing [Ok].

Even after pressing [Help] and requering several times, the Message doesn't change
The Waiting Job is probably only allowed to run on certain queues, and those queues are either inactive, or have the maximum number of jobs running on them. You should check (or have your JobScheduler Administrator check) the status of the queues, the queue schedules, and number of running jobs on the queues.

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