JobScheduler for Oracle Frequently Asked Questions
Installation Issues
- When I double-click the JobScheduler for Oracle icon on my PC, I get the message:
FRM-10256 User is not authorized to run Oracle Forms Menu
The install.jsadmin script runs the Oracle Forms security script frm45sec.sql on the server. You can rerun this script and observe the results by logging into SQL*Plus as the Oracle user system and typing:
- When I double-click the JobScheduler for Oracle icon on my PC, I get the message:
FRM-10249 No authorization to run application jsadmin
Check that you have granted this user access to one of the JobScheduler roles (js_admin, js_super, or js_user), using the grant <role> to <user> command as the Oracle system user. If the problem persists after doing this, please contact Technical Support.
- The upgrade script does not find the hostname command
If you see a message such as "hostname: not found" this means that JobScheduler for Oracle’s JSHOSTS command could not find hostname on the path. As part of your upgrade, JobScheduler adds this hostname into a master host table in JobScheduler so you can run Master and Agent Scheduler configurations. If JobScheduler for Oracle does not find hostname, the installation script uses uname instead. If your uname name does not match your hostname, you should correct the problem by adding hostname to the PATH for jsadmin and rerunning the JSHOSTS command. Follow these steps:
- Check that hostname is on the PATH for and is executable by jsadmin; if it is not then add it to the path and rerun the JSHOSTS script with the syntax:
JSHOSTS jsadmin/jsadmin
If you still encounter problems after rerunning JSHOSTS, please contact Technical Support.
- The install script fails with the message Forms Generation failure (on form jsxsamsg.fmb)
If jsadmin does not have select access to the sys.dba_role_privs table, JobScheduler for Oracle install produces this error. You or your DBA should grant select privileges on the sys.dba_role_privs table to public and restart the forms generation process by typing:
- Near the end of the upgrade I get a message Link failure on JSCC
If you get any message about link failure, you may have a problem with your environment, your paths, or your ORACLE libraries. Review the upgrade log, and if you cannot resolve the problem please contact Technical Support.
- Near the end of the upgrade I get a message The Logfile may contain one or more errors
The JobScheduler for Oracle upgrade prints this message when any error occurs in the logfile. You should view the install log for any occurrences of "error" and verify that these are non-critical problems (for example, a synonym already existing). You can then proceed with Post-upgrade steps.
- I entered the wrong tablespace during the upgrade and it failed; what do I do now?
- You can restart the upgrade process from Step 3, Run the Upgrade script by typing:
You can restart the upgrade in this way regardless of how far JobScheduler for Oracle upgrade process had reached. Or, if the failure occurred during forms generation and linking, you can restart only the linking section by typing:
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