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JobScheduler for Oracle Frequently Asked Questions


       Define Automatic Parameters
My AutoParameter SQL statement works in a SQL*Plus session, but not in JobScheduler
Cause: You are probably running your SQL statement as a different user. JobScheduler evaluates all SQL statements from its connection to ORACLE as the JobScheduler Administrator (defaults to jsadmin).
Action: Create grants and synonyms for your tables to allow jsadmin to evaluate them correctly
        Define Calendars
My program doesn't start at the time specified in the calendar
JobScheduler only uses the calendar to determine when to resubmit a job or job stream. You must submit the job at the first time you want it to run and JobScheduler will resubmit it according to your calendar thereafter.
        Submit Job
The Program or Job Stream I want to submit does not appear in the PickList in the Program field
Cause: You have either not registered the Program (or defined the Job Stream) with JobScheduler or, more likely, have not added the Program to the Security Group for the current user. By default, new Programs cannot be run by anybody before they are added to an appropriate Security Group.
Action: In the Maintain Security Groups form, query the Security Group for this user, and in the Programs dialog add the name of the Program or Job Stream you want to submit.
       View Job Status
My job is Waiting, but it is not On Hold, and has no Earliest Start Time set
Cause: If your job has no obvious reason for waiting (for example, it has no start time restrictions and On Hold is No), it is probably waiting because of higher level constraints such as:
  • Your username has a limit on the number of Running jobs (Maximum Number of jobs in the Register Users form) and you already have this number of jobs running
  • The Waiting job is only eligible to run on certain queues, and those queues are either inactive, or already have the maximum number of jobs running on them
  • The Waiting job is constrained by other jobs (for example, waiting for another job to complete or error), or by a filename constraint
Action: Move to the Status field, and press [Help] (or use Help, Help from the menu). JobScheduler updates the Message to indicate why your job is waiting. You may need to requery the jobs to see the change to the message. If your job is waiting because of user or queue constraints on number of jobs, you can request that your JobScheduler Administrator increase the number of jobs you can run.

When I press [Help] in the Status field, the Message doesn't change
Cause: When you press [Help], JobScheduler updates the Message the next time it evaluates job constraints. This is normally no more than SleepTime seconds (by default 5 seconds).
Action: When you press [Help], JobScheduler responds with the message Updating job status. Wait 10 seconds and then press [Ok]. To give JobScheduler sufficient time to compute and update the Message, wait 5-10s before pressing [Ok].

How do I pause a running job? (I haven't finished copying a file that it needs)
Action: Move to the Hold field and check the box and press [Save]; alternatively you can press [Pause Job]. JobScheduler pauses the job (there may be a brief delay between pressing [Save] and the job being paused. The Status of your job will change to Paused when you next requery the View Job Status form. You can resume the job by clearing the Hold field and pressing [Save].

How do I terminate a running job? (It seems to be running forever)
Action: Press [Kill Job] (or Edit, Remove from the menu and [Save]). JobScheduler immediately changes the Status to Deleted. When the job has been successfully terminated the Status changes to Error. If you terminate a Job Stream, JobScheduler terminates all its sub-jobs and nested job streams.
Warning: JobScheduler terminates jobs without regard to whether they are currently connected to the database, thus creating an orphaned database process. The Oracle server will (eventually) clean up and rollback database changes created by such an orphan process.

I used the Restart message in the Control dialog to restart a scheduler, but nothing happened.
Cause: You may not have your system setup to properly support restarting the scheduler.
Action: Have your system administrator check that you can use rsh to execute commands on the host where the Master or Agent scheduler was running. JobScheduler uses the following command to restart the scheduler:

rsh <hostname> '. .profile; $JS_TOP/bin/JSMASTER JSADMIN 102 ' &
rsh <hostname> '. .profile; $JS_TOP/bin/JSAGENT JSADMIN 102 <SchedulerID>' &
Make sure that the setting for the JobScheduler in the .profile on the host are correct for that host. Make sure that $JSADMIN in the .profile is set to the administrator ORACLE user name and password.

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